Critical vulnerability IPBoard

Monday, 18 February 2013 19:37

Not so long ago it was reported critical vulnerability in forumnyh engine IP.Board, allowing through php code inserted in the avatar user to execute arbitrary code on the compromised system, and download any files.

Vulnerability affects almost all versions of IP.Board. At the moment, there is a massive hacking forums on this engine.


1. The presence of the file /uploads/profile/photo-128.jpg. If you present such a file, open it in Notepad, and view its contents. If there php code, then your site been compromised.

2. Extraneous files in folders caсhe/ and hooks/, there may be others. Can be called whatever you like, often: view-cache.php, zx.php, ipbcache.php,df.php,0e168b.php. If they are - again, your site been compromised.

3. File tmpgw4ia4 in the folder tmp, mod-tmp, or in any other folder in which you have written the session.


1. We are looking for any leftover files and delete them. Be sure to delete the file photo-128.jpg, and check the rest of the images for the presence of php code.

2. Go to the database via phpMyAdmin, the table core_hooks_files, we find there at the end of the records that contain the path to the picture and photo-128.jpg file tmpgw4ia4. Remove these lines.

3. Put security patches from Invision Power Services, namely, critical security updates on November 6, 2012 and a critical security update on 27 December 2012.

If your site is hacked and you need help in solving this issue - not hesitate to contact our experts, we will be happy to help.

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